3 Dimensional

Alabaster Carving Stone

A perfect construction, modelling and carving medium. Lightweight and easily cut, filed, sanded, carved, and can be joined by use of threaded steel rods. Can be painted and decorated in almost any way. These blocks are made from autoclaved (cured) aerated concrete, are off white in colour and have extremely small, finely-dispersed air spaces. There are no fibrous particles in the ingredients nor in the final product, but it is recommended that a dust/nose mouth mask and eye protection be worn when cutting, drilling or sanding. Please note this item has an additional freight charge.

Item Code Description Available Qt Price Qt
ALAB27082 ALAB27082 EUROPEAN MIXED COLOUR ALABASTER PIECES (1-5kg) - 15Kg BOX. European alabaster is slightly harder than soapstone at 1.5-2.0 on the MOHS hardness scale. Alabaster and soapstone are only suitable for permanent use indoors as they may be affected by exposure to heat and rain outdoors. 15kg box containing random assortment of colours that may include Pink, Caramel, White, Blue or Translucent in 1-5kg pieces. 29 Login For Price
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